Laying the first stone of the Marie-Elisabeth Belpaire building is a sustainable milestone for CFE Contracting

On the ZIN site in the Brussels Northern Quarter, CFE Contracting reached an important milestone with the first stone laying ceremony for the new office building of the Flemish government. This is not simply yet another first stone being laid; it is the erection of the first oblique column that is to form the main entrance to the circular building. A first stone that, moreover, is composed of 100% circular concrete.

On the ZIN site in the Brussels Northern Quarter, CFE Contracting reached an important milestone with the first stone laying ceremony for the new office building of the Flemish government. This is not simply yet another first stone being laid; it is the erection of the first oblique column that is to form the main entrance to the circular building. A first stone that, moreover, is composed of 100% circular concrete.
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