Sustainability & Innovation

With its sustainability and innovation strategy, CFE shapes the world of tomorrow.
Discover our commitments to fulfil our societal role: to become the heroes of future generations by defending their well-being.

We provide sustainable buildings with the ambition to:

  • remain the leader in large scale wooden and hybrid buildings in Belux
  • stay the leading real estate developer in Belgium covering the entire building cycle with CO² friendly development
  • convert the largest buildings in Belgium into smart and circular ones
We provide s<strong>ustainable buildings</strong> with the ambition to:

We make industrial projects 4.0 with the objective to:

  • be a leader in multitechnical installations for the building and industrial sector
  • be the first-choice provider in the field of automation and robotisation
  • fight against energy waste and be the expert in energy optimisations
We make <strong>industrial projects 4.0</strong> with the objective to:

We provide infrastructure for tomorrow’s mobility with the ambition to:

  • remain the largest integrated rail infrastructure provider in Belgium with 3 expertises under one roof (Track, Catenary and Signalling)
We provide <strong>infrastructure for tomorrow&rsquo;s mobility</strong> with the ambition to:

CFE steps up its sustainability ambition by joining the Belgian Alliance for Climate Action

  • CFE is one of 53 Belgian organisations that are part of a unique climate alliance
  • The Belgian Alliance for Climate Action encourages organisations in Belgium to set ambitious climate goals and achieve them. By making this commitment, CFE is seeking to step up its sustainability ambitions

Read more about our engagement for the Belgian Alliance for Climate Action

CFE steps up its sustainability ambition by joining the <strong>Belgian Alliance for Climate Action </strong>

Stay informed about our latest projects, articles and reports as well as our hero jobs.

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